Howdy. This is my running blog, which will include weekly posts of, well, my runs and other fairly meaningless stuff related to running in general.
I'm not really a fan of the conventional social media outlets available today, but I still want my friends and family to see how my running is progressing. Plus, next month is my two year anniversary of running consistently and what better way to commemorate that banal feat by starting a blog about running. This all may be a bit self-indulgent and I'm ok with that. So long as people are, at the very least, mildly stoked on what I post, I'll be happy. So, with that, here we go...
Tuesday - 12 mi (1:52) Gbarrel to Arapahoe via Valmont City Park Path
After missing my long run on Sunday, due to a pesky cold, I decided to tack on a long run at the start of the week with the intention of cramming another long run on the back end of the week. This was only the second decidedly long run of the season, but kept a mellow pace and the legs felt good afterwards.
Thursday - 3.5 mi (35:20) Twin Lakes Loop
Easy run
Saturday - 7 mi (1:20), 900ft elev. Mesa Trail loop
Hopefully the first of many trail runs on the front range this Spring/Summer. It was so nice to branch out and run on virgin trails (for my feet anyway). The elevation, although relatively minor compared to other trails in the area, was a much needed boost in vertical for my current regimen. With the guidance of Emily, Mehri and I had a blast charting new territory together.
Easy run? When you get to be my age, those two words together, in that order, constitute an oxymoron.