Tue (1/31) - 4 mi, 1:17, 2,000' Up/Down Amphitheater to Flagstaff Mtn - I initially planned on summiting Green Mtn, but once I reached the top of Amphitheater (~10mins), my excitement ceased and I made my way back down. At the Gregory trailhead I decided to run up Flagstaff trail and tag the summit of Flagstaff Mountain (7,283') for the first time. Nice little trail with some decent climbing - 1,400' in 1.6 mi. Saw a couple bucks.
Wed (2/1) - Nada
Thu (2/2) - 2 mi, 17:36 Twin Lakes PM run - I intended to go for a longer run, but running at night with the headlamp under falling snowflakes makes for a difficult task. Not only were the flakes lightly stabbing my eyeballs, but they also reflected heavily under the light of my lamp. Turned around at the lake.
Fri (2/3) - Nothing - Can't believe I bailed on another run this week, but the snow was still falling and I wasn't about to waste my time like the prior night.
Sat (2/4) - 2:12, 2,600' Green Mountain via Amphi/SR/Greenman - After a mega-storm dumped upwards of 20" of snow in town, I made my way (slowly) up Green. I started from Chautauqua and was fairly spent by the time I got to the Amphi trailhead after 8 minutes (.6 mi) of running through knee-deep snow. I hiked the rest of the way to the summit. The depth of snow made running fairly unfeasible. Upper Greenman had serious accumulation - nearly waist-deep. I reached the summit in 1:26. Ran/floated back down, ~ 3 mi. Snowshoes would have been ideal.
Sun (2/5) - 2 mi, 33:58, 300' Doudy to Springbrook - Not learning my lesson from the day before, I set out to get my ass kicked again. The snow was packed a bit more on Doudy, but still really tough to run. I decided to blaze trail and run over a hill in knee-deep snow.....again. Exhausted, I retreated.
Week Totals:
Miles: 16
Vertical: 4,950'
Time: 5hrs, 5min (1:26 of hiking)
January Totals:
Miles: 146
Vertical: 32,241'
Time: 33hrs, 31min
This week was far less fruitful than I had planned, but the snowstorm on Friday and Saturday really warped my plans. I should have packed some more miles on earlier in the week in preparation. Oh well. A little break in mileage never hurt I guess.
However, I am quite pleased with my January totals as this has been the highest mileage January ever for me. In fact, I didn't run a single step in January of 2011.
In other news, I registered for the Golden Gate Dirty Thirty for June, so the real work begins in earnest now. Since this is technically an "ultra" race, I don't know if I should get another 50k or possibly 50m race in this year. I really want to do White River 50, but I don't want to jump into it without enough preparation or base miles and have a crappy race. We shall see.
Here are some pics from Saturday's grunt work.
Gorgeous pics of the Flatirons and mountains of snow.