Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weekly Update: 2/13-2/19

Mon (2/13) - sick
Tue - sick
Wed - sick

Thu - 6 mi, 1,300', 1:06 - Mesa Trail - After being sick for the last few days, I got itchy for a run. Hopped on the Mesa trail from Chautauqua to the top of Bear Creek Canyon. Nice morning.

Fri - 6 mi, :52 - Twin Lakes PM run - A little evening stroll after work. I've actually been enjoying doing laps around the lakes as a departure or rest from the usual mountain runs.

Sat - 8 mi, 2,800', 1:53 - Green Mt via Amphi, Saddle Rock, Greenman, down Bear Creek Canyon -  I had a ton of energy built up from not running this for a few days. Hit the summit with a PR of :45. Pretty exciting.

Sun - 15 mi, 5,300', 4:28 - Green Mt, Bear Peak, SoBo Peak, Mesa - I've been eager to check out South Boulder Peak, so I went a little gonzo and made a rather large effort to do so. Starting at the Gregory trailhead, I went my usual route up Green Mt (Amphi, SR, Greenman) and reached the summit in :48. On the Green summit I saw some trail runners smoking a joint, pretty ironic I thought. Almost an hour later, I reached Bear Peak, 1:40. I was delighted to have the summit to myself, especially with the perfect conditions: clear skies, mid 50's temp, no wind. After hanging out for 8 minutes, I made my way to SoBo Peak, reaching the summit in 12 mins, 2:00. I enjoyed the great views of Walker Ranch and the southern peaks. I then made my way down Shadow Canyon where the track was perfectly sticky snowpack. Towhee was a different story entirely - really muddy from melted snow. Eventually, I hit the South Boulder trailhead in 3:08. I headed back home via the Mesa Trail and reached the car with an ending time of 4:28. This run was officially the kick-off of the long mountain runs for the season.

I screwed up my nutrition, only having a piece of toast and a coffee before walking out the door. On the mountain, I ate two GUs (one on Bear Peak West Ridge and another on SoBo Peak). Thus, I fell apart by the time I hit Eldorado Springs. For next time.


Week Totals:
Miles: 35
Vertical: 9,400'
Time: 8h,18m

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