Monday, January 16, 2012

Jan 9 - 15

Monday (1/9) - 3.5 mi (31 mins) PM run around Twin Lakes - I keep seeing the same fox. I'm sure he or she is thrilled. Had to get out to see the massive full moon. I barely need my headlamp.

Tuesday (1/10) - (1:24, 2,400') hike/run Green Mountain - Kept things pretty mellow on the ups, only running a little bit. Ran the whole way down, but at a pretty slow clip. The full moon from the night prior was rather amazing in the early dawn light. ~2.5 mi of running

Wednesday (1/11) - 3.5 mi (32 mins) PM run around Twin Lakes - mellow run.

Thursday (1/12) - (1:30, 2,400') hike/run Green Mountain - Started pretty late, 6:40 am. In addition from feeling tired going up, the snow from earlier in the week was quite wind-blown near the summit, making for some exhausting post-holing to the summit. I trenched it out nicely for everyone else after me that day. Arrived to work a tad late because of the extra effort needed. Drats. ~2.5 mi of running

Friday (1/13) - 7 mi (59 mins) Bobolink Trail - Got out for a night mission after work. I've never run this trail at night, but it was pretty sweet. Easy effort the whole way. Ran by a skunk on the trail - close call.

Saturday (1/14) - (1:58, 2,900') Bear Peak via Fern Canyon - I reserved what would have been the 20th summit of Green for another day and chose to hit up its steeper, taller brother. So nice. ~4 mi of running

Sunday (1/15) - 5.7 mi (1:05, 1,100') Mesa Trail to North Shan junction down Big Bluestem - I haven't run Mesa since I got injured on 11/13, so I was glad to be back. The climb from the South Mesa trailhead served me up a piece, but I still managed to make it to the top in ~21 mins. I did't want to bite off more than I could chew, especially following the trek up Bear the day prior, so I made it an abbreviated outing and coasted down Big Bluestem.

Weekly Totals:
Miles - 29
Vertical - 8,700'
Time - 7 hrs 59 mins (includes about 7 miles worth of hiking, which I don't include in mileage)

With the additional summit of Bear this week, I backed off the long run and broke it into two smaller runs on Friday and Sunday. I'm glad the Achilles is accepting the uphill running. I think I'll be back into the 60 miles/week range in the next four to five weeks, hopefully.

Brewing over the Divide

1 comment:

  1. I sure could use a new desktop wallpaper, such as either one of the moon over the mountain shots on your blog...(hint, hint). Especially, the panorama that you used for your title. Nice.
