Tuesday (12/27) - 4.1 mi (35 mins) Twin Lakes - Snow packed, microspikes
Wednesday (12/28) - 4.1 mi (35 mins) Twin Lakes - Snow packed, microspikes
Thursday (12/29) - (1:27, 2,400') Green Mountain hike via Amphi/SR/Greenman - Chinook winds were pretty gnarly up top, filling most of the foot-deep snow trenches with blown snow. Ran pretty much the whole descent mostly in an effort to get out of the insane wind.
Friday (12/30) - 7 mi (58 mins) Bobolink - Having not run this trail since June, I decided to get reacquainted. Nice longer run for the week. The warm temps made for some icy/muddy sections.
Saturday (12/31) - 4.1 mi (34 mins) Twin Lakes
Sunday (1/1) - (1:51, 2,400') Green Mountain hike via Amphi/SR/Greenman - Got up a little later than I had hoped, but I guess we can't all be hyper-motivated on the first day of the year. Ran some of the ups and most of the flats on the ascent getting to the summit in 49:50. After hanging out on the summit rock for about ten minutes, I headed down really slowly. The warm temps and ice-packed trails made for some really slippery conditions, even with microspikes.
2011 Totals:
Miles: 1,305
Vertical Feet: 180,647
Time: 228:40:54
I think the picture "nestled up between flatty 1 and 2" shows where Charlie Brown got his Christmas tree from.