Monday (1/16) - 5.5 mi (51 mins, 787') East Boulder Trail - Haven't been to Teller Farms for a bit, so it was nice to get some cross-country running in on the rolling doubletrack. Pretty muddy in spots though.
Tuesday (1/17) - 2 mi (17 mins) Twin Lakes - a quickie to shake the legs out a bit following three days of decent climbing.
Wednesday (1/18) - Nada. The 60mph+ winds did little to inspire.
Thursday (1/19) - 4.1 mi (34 mins) Twin Lakes - Easy PM run. Crazy winds finally died down.
Friday (1/20) - 6 mi (1:02, 1,000') SoBo Trail to Mesa to 2nd Shadow Canyon junction - Got out at dusk for a little evening stroll on the Mesa. Getting re-acquianted with the climb from Eldorado Canyon. Huffing and puffing the whole way up.
Saturday (1/21) - 12.7 mi (3:10, 3,045') Bear Peak via Bear Creek Canyon - The first real full mountain run since November. Started at Chautauqua and hopped on the Mesa Trail to Bear Creek Canyon. Took things slow, really slow. Pulled the microspikes on at the entrance of Bear Creek Canyon. Bear Peak West Ridge was mostly post-holing through dense snow, making running nearly impossible. Apparently, few people have been summiting Bear from this route. A fairly large downed tree blocked the trail - remnants of the strong gusts earlier in the week. Great views from the summit and warm temps made for a nice outing. I was totally spent on the way down. I'm still not sure how this was a three hour excursion.
Sunday (1/22) - 7 mi (57 mins) Bobolink - Easy shake-out from the day prior. Really tired starting out, but got into the groove quickly. Really warm, low 50's.
Week Totals:
Miles: 37
Vertical: 4,832'
Time: 6hrs 54mins
Great week of running. The long run up Bear was very encouraging, despite being super slow and exhausting. I took some time away from Green Mountain this week to focus on getting some mellow/moderate vertical before tackling Green from a purely running approach.
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